Welcome to Oslo Global Choir

“Bringing the world to Oslo one song at a time”
Concert at Nordic Black Theatre, Oslo, 16th of June 2025

About Us

Oslo Global Choir (OGC) reflects the spirit of the city of Oslo - the capital of Norway, which is vibrant; diverse; dynamic and, today, a truly global city with just no looking back. Founded in 2013  and originally known as Cafeteatret World Choir; today OGC has become a choir committed to creating good music and a lasting impression with our audiences. OGC presents an eclectic repertoire at lively concerts with musical genres including pop, rock, chanson française, Norsk, Samisk, and world music.

OGC is an established amateur choir providing opportunities ranging from personal vocal training (open-to-all to artistic growth) to forming spin-off musical groups for talented musicians. OGC also collaborates with talented and accomplished musicians from Norway and around the world to create musical; educational and adventurous experiences for our members and audiences. Membership of the choir is open to those who are committed to learning how to sing; regardless of experience (beginners, amateurs and (semi-)professional musicians are welcome), and is based on an initiation and joining process.

We consider ourselves lucky to be a house choir at Nordic Black Theatre - a small, cozy and amazing location with great accoustics, and recommend you check out the wonderful Nordic Black Theatre for their events.
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Rehearsals are 19:10 - 21:10 Mondays at Nordic Black Theatre or accross the road. Contact us at info@osloglobalchoir.com for more information.

Happy Monday - Lets sing something awesome
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Jon Harthug

He is a great musician and a professional choir conductor. He enjoys the intersection between the roles of musician, choir leader, and teacher, and finds it stimulating to work with people.

Jon has a classical background, but has worked with all kinds of music and is always interested in expanding his palette.

Jon Harthug, our conductor
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Join Us

Join Oslo Global Choir. One Monday rehearsal for free.
Do you want to become a part of our choir?

Oslo Global Choir - is an amateur choir where everyone interested in music and community is welcome to join. We are grouped into Sopranos, Altos, Tenors, and Basses.

Send us a message if you are interested in joining our choir next semester.

Make sure you can attend rehearsals on Mondays from 19:10 to 21:10 for the full semester. Send an e-mail to info@osloglobalchoir.com and we will give you information and invite you to join our open and free first rehearsal.

The first open rehearsal of the semester is completely free and then you need to decide if you want to join for the rest of the semester. After you have paid the full semester fee, you have reserved your spot in the choir.

If you decide to join; we believe we have a low membership fee compared to many other choirs. All income is used by the choir to pay our wonderful conductor as well as other expenses.Check out our Facebook page.

I would like to come to a rehearsal

We are a social group and some of us enjoy meeting up and singing Karaoke after Choir Rehearsals at Eagle pub when their schedule matches ours and you are welcome to join us! We also encourage you to support Karaoke places in Oslo and also support Karaoke NM

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Support Us

There are several ways to support us. It would be great to see you at our concerts - you can be notified about concerts and events by signing up to our mailing list or Facebook. And if you wish, you can support us economically by becoming a support member. It is also possible to directly Vipps us a one off donation by either searching for Oslo Global Choir in Vipps or using Vipps number 753430. You can also support us through Grasrotandelen from Norsk Tipping. Another great way to support us is by sharing the choir with others - we have a flyer which you can print and give to other people who might want to join - We have previously used VistaPrint to successfully make flyers. Please feel free to share this website on social media as well
Concerts & Mailing listGrasrotandelenFlyerMonthly VippsSingle VippsFacebook

Support us with monthly Vipps

Oslo Global Choir - Monthly Vipps Support Membership

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Support Membership

Please take a look at Payment Terms and Conditions

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Out next concert will be 16th of June 2025 at Nordic Black Theatre. Hope to see you there!
Concert at Cosmopolilte 30th of November at 19:30Christmas Concert 27th of November 2023. Welcome!

November 30th, 2024 - 19:30 at Cosmopolite - Oslo Global Choir performed our Winter Concert with both choir and group performances.

June 17th, 2024 - 19:00 at Nordic Black Theatre - Oslo Global Choir performed our Summer Concert with both choir and group/individual performances.

Christmas Concert 27th of November 2023. Welcome!

November 27th, 2023 - 19:00 at Nordic Black Theatre - Oslo Global Choir performed our Christmas Concert with both choir and group/individual performances.

Oslo Global Choir summer concert 2023, May 15th

May 15th, 2023 - 19:00 at Nordic Black Theatre - Oslo Global Choir performed our Summer Concert with both choir and group/individual performances.

Concert 5th of December 2022

December 5th, 2022 at Nordic Black Theatre - Oslo Global Choir presented our Christmas Concert where we performed our repertoire both as a choir and group performances.

Oslo Global Choir Concert May 23 2022 at CafeteatretInstagramVideos

May 23rd, 2022 at Nordic Black Theatre - Oslo Global Choir performed in front of a fantastic audience and we really had a great time. Take a look at images and videos below :)

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Oslo Global Choir
Oslo Global Choir
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